VST 40-I

One of the most popular Versalift models, the VST40-I has proven to be 30% more productive in tree work than a knuckle boom configuration and offer superior reach. They are also much safer because of their flight pattern.

Torsion bars fitted to the vehicle mean that outriggers are not required to stabilise the working platform on slopes up to five degrees – thus increasing the ability to operate without disrupting vehicle flow or needing additional traffic control measures. Note: For additional stability with increased platform loads two sets of stabilier outriggers are required.

Its compliance with AS/NZS 1418.10:2011 to 66kV means safety for operators close to high and low voltage powerlines. Its “wet” rating ability enables it to be deployed in rainy weather or storm emergencies.


VST 40-I Specs

Working Height:13.8m
Height to bottom of bucket:12.3m
Horizontal Outreach:9.2m
Bucket Capacity:120/250kg
Crane Jib:660kg
Bucket Dimensions:(Std) 0.61×0.61×1.07m (Opt) 0.61×1.20×1.07m
Basket Rotation:-90 deg +90 deg
Insulation Rating:66kv/33kv
Minimum GVM:11,000kg
Additional information



Medium Duty


13m to 19m

